Unverified Commit 5ba41356 authored by Jacob Salmela's avatar Jacob Salmela Committed by GitHub
Browse files

Merge pull request #1776 from pi-hole/release/3.2

Pi-hole core v3.2
parents b0eceddc b3e969f0
**In raising this issue, I confirm the following (please check boxes, eg [X]) Failure to fill the template will close your issue:**
**In raising this issue, I confirm the following:** `{please fill the checkboxes, e.g: [X]}`
- [] I have read and understood the [contributors guide](https://github.com/pi-hole/pi-hole/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md).
- [] The issue I am reporting can be *replicated*
- [] The issue I am reporting can be *replicated*.
- [] The issue I am reporting isn't a duplicate (see [FAQs](https://github.com/pi-hole/pi-hole/wiki/FAQs), [closed issues](https://github.com/pi-hole/pi-hole/issues?utf8=%E2%9C%93&q=is%3Aissue%20is%3Aclosed%20), and [open issues](https://github.com/pi-hole/pi-hole/issues)).
**How familiar are you with the codebase?:**
**How familiar are you with the the source code relevant to this issue?:**
_{replace this text with a number from 1 to 10, with 1 being not familiar, and 10 being very familiar}_
`{Replace this with a number from 1 to 10. 1 being not familiar, and 10 being very familiar}`
**Expected behaviour:**
Please [submit your feature request here](https://discourse.pi-hole.net/c/feature-requests), so it is votable by the community. It's also easier for us to track.
`{A detailed description of what you expect to see}`
**[BUG | ISSUE] Expected Behaviour:**
**Actual behaviour:**
`{A detailed description and/or screenshots of what you do see}`
**[BUG | ISSUE] Actual Behaviour:**
**Steps to reproduce:**
`{Detailed steps of how we can reproduce this}`
**[BUG | ISSUE] Steps to reproduce:**
**Debug token provided by [uploading `pihole -d` log](https://discourse.pi-hole.net/t/the-pihole-command-with-examples/738#debug):**
`{Alphanumeric token}`
**(Optional) Debug token generated by `pihole -d`:**
**Troubleshooting undertaken, and/or other relevant information:**
`{Steps of what you have done to fix this}`
_This template was created based on the work of [`udemy-dl`](https://github.com/nishad/udemy-dl/blob/master/LICENSE)._
> * `{Please delete this quoted section when opening your issue}`
> * You must follow the template instructions. Failure to do so will result in your issue being closed.
> * Please [submit any feature requests here](https://discourse.pi-hole.net/c/feature-requests), so it is votable and trackable by the community.
> * Please respect that Pi-hole is developed by volunteers, who can only reply in their spare time.
> * Detail helps us understand and resolve an issue quicker, but please ensure it's relevant.
> * _This template was created based on the work of [`udemy-dl`](https://github.com/nishad/udemy-dl/blob/master/LICENSE)._
**By submitting this pull request, I confirm the following (please check boxes, eg [X]) _Failure to fill the template will close your PR_:**
**By submitting this pull request, I confirm the following:** `{please fill any appropriate checkboxes, e.g: [X]}`
***Please submit all pull requests against the `development` branch. Failure to do so will delay or deny your request***
`{Please ensure that your pull request is for the 'development' branch!}`
- [] I have read and understood the [contributors guide](https://github.com/pi-hole/pi-hole/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md).
- [] I have checked that [another pull request](https://github.com/pi-hole/pi-hole/pulls) for this purpose does not exist.
- [] I have considered, and confirmed that this submission will be valuable to others.
- [] I accept that this submission may not be used, and the pull request closed at the will of the maintainer.
- [] I give this submission freely, and claim no ownership to its content.
- [] I have read and understood the [contributors guide](https://github.com/pi-hole/pi-hole/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md), as well as this entire template.
- [] I have made only one major change in my proposed changes.
- [] I have commented my proposed changes within the code.
- [] I have tested my proposed changes, and have included unit tests where possible.
- [] I am willing to help maintain this change if there are issues with it later.
- [] I give this submission freely and claim no ownership.
- [] It is compatible with the [EUPL 1.2 license](https://opensource.org/licenses/EUPL-1.1)
- [] I have squashed any insignificant commits. ([`git rebase`](http://gitready.com/advanced/2009/02/10/squashing-commits-with-rebase.html))
- [] I have Signed Off all commits. ([`git commit --signoff`](https://git-scm.com/docs/git-commit#git-commit---signoff))
**How familiar are you with the codebase?:**
_{replace this text with a number from 1 to 10, with 1 being not familiar, and 10 being very familiar}_
**What does this PR aim to accomplish?:**
_{replace this line with your pull request content}_
`{A detailed description, screenshots (if necessary), as well as links to any relevant GitHub issues}`
**How does this PR accomplish the above?:**
`{A detailed description (such as a changelog) and screenshots (if necessary) of the implemented fix}`
**What documentation changes (if any) are needed to support this PR?:**
`{A detailed list of any necessary changes}`
_This template was created based on the work of [`udemy-dl`](https://github.com/nishad/udemy-dl/blob/master/LICENSE)._
> * `{Please delete this quoted section when opening your pull request}`
> * You must follow the template instructions. Failure to do so will result in your issue being closed.
> * Please respect that Pi-hole is developed by volunteers, who can only reply in their spare time.
> * Detail helps us understand an issue quicker, but please ensure it's relevant.
......@@ -3,4 +3,3 @@
This diff is collapsed.
......@@ -21,8 +21,8 @@
......@@ -42,6 +42,6 @@ cache-size=10000
# Determine if terminal is capable of showing colours
if [[ -t 1 ]] && [[ $(tput colors) -ge 8 ]]; then
# Bold and underline may not show up on all clients
# If something MUST be emphasised, use both
# Provide empty variables for `set -u`
# Deprecated variables
DONE="${COL_GREEN} done!${COL_NC}"
This diff is collapsed.
......@@ -19,11 +19,14 @@ addmode=true
source ${colfile}
helpFunc() {
if [[ "${listMain}" == "${whitelist}" ]]; then
......@@ -45,7 +48,8 @@ Options:
-nr, --noreload Update ${type}list without refreshing dnsmasq
-q, --quiet Make output less verbose
-h, --help Show this help dialog
-l, --list Display all your ${type}listed domains"
-l, --list Display all your ${type}listed domains
--nuke Removes all entries in a list"
exit 0
......@@ -58,15 +62,19 @@ EscapeRegexp() {
HandleOther() {
# First, convert everything to lowercase
domain=$(sed -e "y/ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ/abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz/" <<< "$1")
# Convert to lowercase
# Check validity of domain
validDomain=$(echo "${domain}" | perl -lne 'print if /(?!.*[^a-z0-9-\.].*)^((?=[a-z0-9-]{1,63}\.)(xn--)?[a-z0-9-]+\.)*[a-z]{2,63}/')
if [[ -z "${validDomain}" ]]; then
echo "::: $1 is not a valid argument or domain name"
if [[ "${#domain}" -le 253 ]]; then
validDomain=$(grep -P "^((-|_)*[a-z\d]((-|_)*[a-z\d])*(-|_)*)(\.(-|_)*([a-z\d]((-|_)*[a-z\d])*))*$" <<< "${domain}") # Valid chars check
validDomain=$(grep -P "^[^\.]{1,63}(\.[^\.]{1,63})*$" <<< "${validDomain}") # Length of each label
if [[ -n "${validDomain}" ]]; then
domList=("${domList[@]}" ${validDomain})
echo -e " ${CROSS} ${domain} is not a valid argument or domain name!"
......@@ -94,7 +102,13 @@ AddDomain() {
domain=$(EscapeRegexp "$1")
[[ "${list}" == "${whitelist}" ]] && listname="whitelist"
[[ "${list}" == "${blacklist}" ]] && listname="blacklist"
[[ "${list}" == "${wildcardlist}" ]] && listname="wildcard blacklist"
if [[ "${list}" == "${whitelist}" || "${list}" == "${blacklist}" ]]; then
[[ "${list}" == "${whitelist}" && -z "${type}" ]] && type="--whitelist-only"
[[ "${list}" == "${blacklist}" && -z "${type}" ]] && type="--blacklist-only"
# Is the domain in the list we want to add it to?
grep -Ex -q "${domain}" "${list}" > /dev/null 2>&1 || bool=false
......@@ -102,101 +116,122 @@ AddDomain() {
if [[ "${bool}" == false ]]; then
# Domain not found in the whitelist file, add it!
if [[ "${verbose}" == true ]]; then
echo "::: Adding $1 to $list..."
echo -e " ${INFO} Adding $1 to $listname..."
# Add it to the list we want to add it to
echo "$1" >> "${list}"
if [[ "${verbose}" == true ]]; then
echo "::: ${1} already exists in ${list}, no need to add!"
echo -e " ${INFO} ${1} already exists in ${listname}, no need to add!"
elif [[ "${list}" == "${wildcardlist}" ]]; then
source "${piholeDir}/setupVars.conf"
# Remove the /* from the end of the IPv4addr.
# Remove the /* from the end of the IP addresses
[[ -z "${type}" ]] && type="--wildcard-only"
# Is the domain in the list?
grep -e "address=\/${domain}\/" "${wildcardlist}" > /dev/null 2>&1 || bool=false
if [[ "${bool}" == false ]]; then
if [[ "${verbose}" == true ]]; then
echo "::: Adding $1 to wildcard blacklist..."
echo -e " ${INFO} Adding $1 to wildcard blacklist..."
echo "address=/$1/${IPV4_ADDRESS}" >> "${wildcardlist}"
if [[ "${#IPV6_ADDRESS}" > 0 ]]; then
echo "address=/$1/${IPV6_ADDRESS}" >> "${wildcardlist}"
if [[ "${verbose}" == true ]]; then
echo "::: ${1} already exists in wildcard blacklist, no need to add!"
echo -e " ${INFO} ${1} already exists in wildcard blacklist, no need to add!"
RemoveDomain() {
domain=$(EscapeRegexp "$1")
if [[ "${list}" == "${whitelist}" || "${list}" == "${blacklist}" ]]; then
# Is it in the list? Logic follows that if its whitelisted it should not be blacklisted and vice versa
grep -Ex -q "${domain}" "${list}" > /dev/null 2>&1 || bool=false
if [[ "${bool}" == true ]]; then
# Remove it from the other one
echo "::: Removing $1 from $list..."
# /I flag: search case-insensitive
sed -i "/${domain}/Id" "${list}"
if [[ "${verbose}" == true ]]; then
echo "::: ${1} does not exist in ${list}, no need to remove!"
domain=$(EscapeRegexp "$1")
[[ "${list}" == "${whitelist}" ]] && listname="whitelist"
[[ "${list}" == "${blacklist}" ]] && listname="blacklist"
[[ "${list}" == "${wildcardlist}" ]] && listname="wildcard blacklist"
if [[ "${list}" == "${whitelist}" || "${list}" == "${blacklist}" ]]; then
[[ "${list}" == "${whitelist}" && -z "${type}" ]] && type="--whitelist-only"
[[ "${list}" == "${blacklist}" && -z "${type}" ]] && type="--blacklist-only"
# Is it in the list? Logic follows that if its whitelisted it should not be blacklisted and vice versa
grep -Ex -q "${domain}" "${list}" > /dev/null 2>&1 || bool=false
if [[ "${bool}" == true ]]; then
# Remove it from the other one
echo -e " ${INFO} Removing $1 from $listname..."
# /I flag: search case-insensitive
sed -i "/${domain}/Id" "${list}"
if [[ "${verbose}" == true ]]; then
echo -e " ${INFO} ${1} does not exist in ${listname}, no need to remove!"
elif [[ "${list}" == "${wildcardlist}" ]]; then
# Is it in the list?
grep -e "address=\/${domain}\/" "${wildcardlist}" > /dev/null 2>&1 || bool=false
if [[ "${bool}" == true ]]; then
# Remove it from the other one
echo "::: Removing $1 from $list..."
# /I flag: search case-insensitive
sed -i "/address=\/${domain}/Id" "${list}"
if [[ "${verbose}" == true ]]; then
echo "::: ${1} does not exist in ${list}, no need to remove!"
elif [[ "${list}" == "${wildcardlist}" ]]; then
[[ -z "${type}" ]] && type="--wildcard-only"
# Is it in the list?
grep -e "address=\/${domain}\/" "${wildcardlist}" > /dev/null 2>&1 || bool=false
if [[ "${bool}" == true ]]; then
# Remove it from the other one
echo -e " ${INFO} Removing $1 from $listname..."
# /I flag: search case-insensitive
sed -i "/address=\/${domain}/Id" "${list}"
if [[ "${verbose}" == true ]]; then
echo -e " ${INFO} ${1} does not exist in ${listname}, no need to remove!"
# Update Gravity
Reload() {
# Reload hosts file
pihole -g -sd
echo ""
pihole -g --skip-download "${type:-}"
Displaylist() {
if [[ "${listMain}" == "${whitelist}" ]]; then
string="gravity resistant domains"
if [[ -f ${listMain} ]]; then
if [[ "${listMain}" == "${whitelist}" ]]; then
string="gravity resistant domains"
string="domains caught in the sinkhole"
echo -e "Displaying $string:\n"
while IFS= read -r RD; do
echo " ${count}: ${RD}"
done < "${listMain}"
string="domains caught in the sinkhole"
echo -e " ${COL_LIGHT_RED}${listMain} does not exist!${COL_NC}"
echo -e "Displaying $string:\n"
while IFS= read -r RD; do
echo "${count}: ${RD}"
done < "${listMain}"
exit 0;
NukeList() {
if [[ -f "${listMain}" ]]; then
# Back up original list
cp "${listMain}" "${listMain}.bck~"
# Empty out file
echo "" > "${listMain}"
for var in "$@"; do
case "${var}" in
"-w" | "whitelist" ) listMain="${whitelist}"; listAlt="${blacklist}";;
......@@ -204,10 +239,10 @@ for var in "$@"; do
"-wild" | "wildcard" ) listMain="${wildcardlist}";;
"-nr"| "--noreload" ) reload=false;;
"-d" | "--delmode" ) addmode=false;;
"-f" | "--force" ) force=true;;
"-q" | "--quiet" ) verbose=false;;
"-h" | "--help" ) helpFunc;;
"-l" | "--list" ) Displaylist;;
"--nuke" ) NukeList;;
* ) HandleOther "${var}";;
......@@ -220,6 +255,7 @@ fi
if ${reload}; then
if [[ "${reload}" != false ]]; then
# Ensure that "restart" is used for Wildcard updates
Reload "${reload}"
......@@ -3,13 +3,14 @@
# (c) 2017 Pi-hole, LLC (https://pi-hole.net)
# Network-wide ad blocking via your own hardware.
# Switch Pi-hole subsystems to a different Github branch
# Switch Pi-hole subsystems to a different Github branch.
# This file is copyright under the latest version of the EUPL.
# Please see LICENSE file for your rights under this license.
readonly PI_HOLE_FILES_DIR="/etc/.pihole"
PH_TEST="true" source "${PI_HOLE_FILES_DIR}/automated install/basic-install.sh"
source "${PI_HOLE_FILES_DIR}/automated install/basic-install.sh"
# webInterfaceGitUrl set in basic-install.sh
# webInterfaceDir set in basic-install.sh
......@@ -20,9 +21,100 @@ PH_TEST="true" source "${PI_HOLE_FILES_DIR}/automated install/basic-install.sh"
source "${setupVars}"
# Colour codes
source ${coltable}
check_download_exists() {
status=$(curl --head --silent "https://ftl.pi-hole.net/${1}" | head -n 1)
if grep -q "404" <<< "$status"; then
return 1
return 0
FTLinstall() {
# Download and install FTL binary
local binary
local path
local str
str="Installing FTL"
echo -ne " ${INFO} ${str}..."
if curl -sSL --fail "https://ftl.pi-hole.net/${path}" -o "/tmp/${binary}"; then
# Get sha1 of the binary we just downloaded for verification.
curl -sSL --fail "https://ftl.pi-hole.net/${path}.sha1" -o "/tmp/${binary}.sha1"
# Check if we just downloaded text, or a binary file.
cd /tmp || return 1
if sha1sum --status --quiet -c "${binary}".sha1; then
echo -n "transferred... "
stop_service pihole-FTL &> /dev/null
install -T -m 0755 "/tmp/${binary}" "/usr/bin/pihole-FTL"
rm "/tmp/${binary}" "/tmp/${binary}.sha1"
start_service pihole-FTL &> /dev/null
echo -e "${OVER} ${TICK} ${str}"
return 0
echo -e "${OVER} ${CROSS} ${str}"
echo -e " ${COL_LIGHT_RED}Error: Download of binary from ftl.pi-hole.net failed${COL_NC}"
return 1
echo -e "${OVER} ${CROSS} ${str}"
echo -e " ${COL_LIGHT_RED}Error: URL not found${COL_NC}"
get_binary_name() {
local machine
machine=$(uname -m)
local str
str="Detecting architecture"
echo -ne " ${INFO} ${str}..."
if [[ "${machine}" == "arm"* || "${machine}" == *"aarch"* ]]; then
local rev
rev=$(uname -m | sed "s/[^0-9]//g;")
local lib
lib=$(ldd /bin/ls | grep -E '^\s*/lib' | awk '{ print $1 }')
if [[ "${lib}" == "/lib/ld-linux-aarch64.so.1" ]]; then
echo -e "${OVER} ${TICK} Detected ARM-aarch64 architecture"
elif [[ "${lib}" == "/lib/ld-linux-armhf.so.3" ]]; then
if [[ "$rev" -gt "6" ]]; then
echo -e "${OVER} ${TICK} Detected ARM-hf architecture (armv7+)"
echo -e "${OVER} ${TICK} Detected ARM-hf architecture (armv6 or lower) Using ARM binary"
echo -e "${OVER} ${TICK} Detected ARM architecture"
elif [[ "${machine}" == "ppc" ]]; then
# PowerPC
echo -e "${OVER} ${TICK} Detected PowerPC architecture"
elif [[ "${machine}" == "x86_64" ]]; then
# 64bit
echo -e "${OVER} ${TICK} Detected x86_64 architecture"
# Something else - we try to use 32bit executable and warn the user
if [[ ! "${machine}" == "i686" ]]; then
echo -e "${OVER} ${CROSS} ${str}...
${COL_LIGHT_RED}Not able to detect architecture (unknown: ${machine}), trying 32bit executable
Contact support if you experience issues (e.g: FTL not running)${COL_NC}"
echo -e "${OVER} ${TICK} Detected 32bit (i686) architecture"
fully_fetch_repo() {
# Add upstream branches to shallow clone
......@@ -40,61 +132,78 @@ fully_fetch_repo() {
get_available_branches() {
# Return available branches
local directory="${1}"
local directory
local output
cd "${directory}" || return 1
# Get reachable remote branches
git remote show origin | grep 'tracked' | sed 's/tracked//;s/ //g'
# Get reachable remote branches, but store STDERR as STDOUT variable
output=$( { git remote show origin | grep 'tracked' | sed 's/tracked//;s/ //g'; } 2>&1 )
echo "$output"
fetch_checkout_pull_branch() {
# Check out specified branch
local directory="${1}"
local branch="${2}"
local directory
local branch
# Set the reference for the requested branch, fetch, check it put and pull it
cd "${directory}"
cd "${directory}" || return 1
git remote set-branches origin "${branch}" || return 1
git stash --all --quiet &> /dev/null || true
git clean --force -d || true
git clean --quiet --force -d || true
git fetch --quiet || return 1
checkout_pull_branch "${directory}" "${branch}" || return 1
checkout_pull_branch() {
# Check out specified branch
local directory="${1}"
local branch="${2}"
local directory
local branch
local oldbranch
cd "${directory}" || return 1
oldbranch="$(git symbolic-ref HEAD)"
git checkout "${branch}" || return 1
str="Switching to branch: '${branch}' from '${oldbranch}'"
echo -ne " ${INFO} $str"
git checkout "${branch}" --quiet || return 1
echo -e "${OVER} ${TICK} $str"
if [ "$(git diff "${oldbranch}" | grep -c "^")" -gt "0" ]; then
if [[ "$(git diff "${oldbranch}" | grep -c "^")" -gt "0" ]]; then
git pull || return 1
git_pull=$(git pull || return 1)
if [[ "$git_pull" == *"up-to-date"* ]]; then
echo -e " ${INFO} ${git_pull}"
echo -e "$git_pull\\n"
return 0
warning1() {
echo " Please note that changing branches severely alters your Pi-hole subsystems"
echo " Features that work on the master branch, may not on a development branch"
echo -e " ${red}This feature is NOT supported unless a Pi-hole developer explicitly asks!${def}"
echo -e " ${COL_LIGHT_RED}This feature is NOT supported unless a Pi-hole developer explicitly asks!${COL_NC}"
read -r -p " Have you read and understood this? [y/N] " response
case ${response} in
case "${response}" in
echo "::: Continuing with branch change."
echo ""
return 0
echo "::: Branch change has been cancelled."
echo -e "\\n ${INFO} Branch change has been cancelled"
return 1
......@@ -107,24 +216,23 @@ checkout() {
# Avoid globbing
set -f
#This is unlikely
# This is unlikely
if ! is_repo "${PI_HOLE_FILES_DIR}" ; then
echo "::: Critical Error: Core Pi-hole repo is missing from system!"
echo "::: Please re-run install script from https://github.com/pi-hole/pi-hole"
echo -e " ${COL_LIGHT_RED}Error: Core Pi-hole repo is missing from system!
Please re-run install script from https://github.com/pi-hole/pi-hole${COL_NC}"
exit 1;
if [[ ${INSTALL_WEB} == "true" ]]; then
if [[ "${INSTALL_WEB}" == "true" ]]; then
if ! is_repo "${webInterfaceDir}" ; then
echo "::: Critical Error: Web Admin repo is missing from system!"
echo "::: Please re-run install script from https://github.com/pi-hole/pi-hole"
echo -e " ${COL_LIGHT_RED}Error: Web Admin repo is missing from system!
Please re-run install script from https://github.com/pi-hole/pi-hole${COL_NC}"
exit 1;
if [[ -z "${1}" ]]; then
echo "::: No option detected. Please use 'pihole checkout <master|dev>'."
echo "::: Or enter the repository and branch you would like to check out:"
echo "::: 'pihole checkout <web|core> <branchname>'"
echo -e " ${COL_LIGHT_RED}Invalid option${COL_NC}
Try 'pihole checkout --help' for more information."
exit 1
......@@ -134,72 +242,117 @@ checkout() {
if [[ "${1}" == "dev" ]] ; then
# Shortcut to check out development branches
echo "::: Shortcut \"dev\" detected - checking out development / devel branches ..."
echo "::: Pi-hole core"
fetch_checkout_pull_branch "${PI_HOLE_FILES_DIR}" "development" || { echo "Unable to pull Core developement branch"; exit 1; }
if [[ ${INSTALL_WEB} == "true" ]]; then
echo "::: Web interface"
fetch_checkout_pull_branch "${webInterfaceDir}" "devel" || { echo "Unable to pull Web development branch"; exit 1; }
echo -e " ${INFO} Shortcut \"dev\" detected - checking out development / devel branches..."
echo ""
echo -e " ${INFO} Pi-hole Core"
fetch_checkout_pull_branch "${PI_HOLE_FILES_DIR}" "development" || { echo " ${CROSS} Unable to pull Core developement branch"; exit 1; }
if [[ "${INSTALL_WEB}" == "true" ]]; then
echo ""
echo -e " ${INFO} Web interface"
fetch_checkout_pull_branch "${webInterfaceDir}" "devel" || { echo " ${CROSS} Unable to pull Web development branch"; exit 1; }
echo "::: done!"
#echo -e " ${TICK} Pi-hole Core"
local path
FTLinstall "${binary}" "${path}"
elif [[ "${1}" == "master" ]] ; then
# Shortcut to check out master branches
echo "::: Shortcut \"master\" detected - checking out master branches ..."
echo "::: Pi-hole core"
fetch_checkout_pull_branch "${PI_HOLE_FILES_DIR}" "master" || { echo "Unable to pull Core master branch"; exit 1; }
echo -e " ${INFO} Shortcut \"master\" detected - checking out master branches..."
echo -e " ${INFO} Pi-hole core"
fetch_checkout_pull_branch "${PI_HOLE_FILES_DIR}" "master" || { echo " ${CROSS} Unable to pull Core master branch"; exit 1; }
if [[ ${INSTALL_WEB} == "true" ]]; then
echo "::: Web interface"
fetch_checkout_pull_branch "${webInterfaceDir}" "master" || { echo "Unable to pull web master branch"; exit 1; }
echo -e " ${INFO} Web interface"
fetch_checkout_pull_branch "${webInterfaceDir}" "master" || { echo " ${CROSS} Unable to pull Web master branch"; exit 1; }
echo "::: done!"
#echo -e " ${TICK} Web Interface"
local path
FTLinstall "${binary}" "${path}"
elif [[ "${1}" == "core" ]] ; then
echo -n "::: Fetching remote branches for Pi-hole core from ${piholeGitUrl} ... "
str="Fetching branches from ${piholeGitUrl}"
echo -ne " ${INFO} $str"
if ! fully_fetch_repo "${PI_HOLE_FILES_DIR}" ; then
echo "::: Fetching all branches for Pi-hole core repo failed!"
echo -e "${OVER} ${CROSS} $str"
exit 1
corebranches=($(get_available_branches "${PI_HOLE_FILES_DIR}"))
echo " done!"
echo "::: ${#corebranches[@]} branches available"
echo ":::"
# Have to user chosing the branch he wants
if [[ "${corebranches[*]}" == *"master"* ]]; then
echo -e "${OVER} ${TICK} $str
${INFO} ${#corebranches[@]} branches available for Pi-hole Core"
# Print STDERR output from get_available_branches
echo -e "${OVER} ${CROSS} $str\\n\\n${corebranches[*]}"
exit 1
echo ""
# Have the user choose the branch they want
if ! (for e in "${corebranches[@]}"; do [[ "$e" == "${2}" ]] && exit 0; done); then
echo "::: Requested branch \"${2}\" is not available!"
echo "::: Available branches for core are:"
for e in "${corebranches[@]}"; do echo "::: $e"; done
echo -e " ${INFO} Requested branch \"${2}\" is not available"
echo -e " ${INFO} Available branches for Core are:"
for e in "${corebranches[@]}"; do echo " - $e"; done
exit 1
checkout_pull_branch "${PI_HOLE_FILES_DIR}" "${2}"
elif [[ "${1}" == "web" && "${INSTALL_WEB}" == "true" ]] ; then
echo -n "::: Fetching remote branches for the web interface from ${webInterfaceGitUrl} ... "
elif [[ "${1}" == "web" ]] && [[ "${INSTALL_WEB}" == "true" ]] ; then
str="Fetching branches from ${webInterfaceGitUrl}"
echo -ne " ${INFO} $str"
if ! fully_fetch_repo "${webInterfaceDir}" ; then
echo "::: Fetching all branches for Pi-hole web interface repo failed!"
echo -e "${OVER} ${CROSS} $str"
exit 1
webbranches=($(get_available_branches "${webInterfaceDir}"))
echo " done!"
echo "::: ${#webbranches[@]} branches available"
echo ":::"
# Have to user chosing the branch he wants
if [[ "${webbranches[*]}" == *"master"* ]]; then
echo -e "${OVER} ${TICK} $str
${INFO} ${#webbranches[@]} branches available for Web Admin"
# Print STDERR output from get_available_branches
echo -e "${OVER} ${CROSS} $str\\n\\n${webbranches[*]}"
exit 1
echo ""
# Have the user choose the branch they want
if ! (for e in "${webbranches[@]}"; do [[ "$e" == "${2}" ]] && exit 0; done); then
echo "::: Requested branch \"${2}\" is not available!"
echo "::: Available branches for web are:"
for e in "${webbranches[@]}"; do echo "::: $e"; done
echo -e " ${INFO} Requested branch \"${2}\" is not available"
echo -e " ${INFO} Available branches for Web Admin are:"
for e in "${webbranches[@]}"; do echo " - $e"; done
exit 1
checkout_pull_branch "${webInterfaceDir}" "${2}"
elif [[ "${1}" == "ftl" ]] ; then
local path
if check_download_exists "$path"; then
echo " ${TICK} Branch ${2} exists"
FTLinstall "${binary}" "${path}"
echo " ${CROSS} Requested branch \"${2}\" is not available"
ftlbranches=( $(git ls-remote https://github.com/pi-hole/ftl | grep 'heads' | sed 's/refs\/heads\///;s/ //g' | awk '{print $2}') )
echo -e " ${INFO} Available branches for FTL are:"
for e in "${ftlbranches[@]}"; do echo " - $e"; done
exit 1
echo "::: Requested option \"${1}\" is not available!"
echo -e " ${INFO} Requested option \"${1}\" is not available"
exit 1
# Force updating everything
if [[ ! "${1}" == "web" && "${update}" == "true" ]]; then
echo "::: Running installer to upgrade your installation"
if [[ ( ! "${1}" == "web" && ! "${1}" == "ftl" ) && "${update}" == "true" ]]; then
echo -e " ${INFO} Running installer to upgrade your installation"
if "${PI_HOLE_FILES_DIR}/automated install/basic-install.sh" --unattended; then
exit 0
echo "Unable to complete update, contact Pi-hole"
echo -e " ${COL_LIGHT_RED} Error: Unable to complete update, please contact support${COL_NC}"
exit 1
This diff is collapsed.
......@@ -8,8 +8,11 @@
# This file is copyright under the latest version of the EUPL.
# Please see LICENSE file for your rights under this license.
source ${colfile}
if [[ "$@" != *"quiet"* ]]; then
echo -n "::: Flushing /var/log/pihole.log ..."
echo -ne " ${INFO} Flushing /var/log/pihole.log ..."
if [[ "$@" == *"once"* ]]; then
# Nightly logrotation
......@@ -41,5 +44,5 @@ else
if [[ "$@" != *"quiet"* ]]; then
echo "... done!"
echo -e "${OVER} ${TICK} Flushed /var/log/pihole.log"
......@@ -10,10 +10,7 @@
# This file is copyright under the latest version of the EUPL.
# Please see LICENSE file for your rights under this license.
# Variables
readonly ADMIN_INTERFACE_GIT_URL="https://github.com/pi-hole/AdminLTE.git"
readonly ADMIN_INTERFACE_DIR="/var/www/html/admin"
readonly PI_HOLE_GIT_URL="https://github.com/pi-hole/pi-hole.git"
......@@ -22,9 +19,10 @@ readonly PI_HOLE_FILES_DIR="/etc/.pihole"
# shellcheck disable=SC2034
# Have to ignore the following rule as spaces in paths are not supported by ShellCheck
#shellcheck disable=SC1090
# shellcheck disable=SC1090
source "${PI_HOLE_FILES_DIR}/automated install/basic-install.sh"
# shellcheck disable=SC1091
source "/opt/pihole/COL_TABLE"
# is_repo() sourced from basic-install.sh
# make_repo() sourced from basic-install.sh
......@@ -52,15 +50,15 @@ GitCheckUpdateAvail() {
# defaults to the current one.
REMOTE="$(git rev-parse "@{upstream}")"
if [[ ${#LOCAL} == 0 ]]; then
echo "::: Error: Local revision could not be obtained, ask Pi-hole support."
echo "::: Additional debugging output:"
if [[ "${#LOCAL}" == 0 ]]; then
echo -e "\\n ${COL_LIGHT_RED}Error: Local revision could not be obtained, please contact Pi-hole Support
Additional debugging output:${COL_NC}"
git status
if [[ ${#REMOTE} == 0 ]]; then
echo "::: Error: Remote revision could not be obtained, ask Pi-hole support."
echo "::: Additional debugging output:"
if [[ "${#REMOTE}" == 0 ]]; then
echo -e "\\n ${COL_LIGHT_RED}Error: Remote revision could not be obtained, please contact Pi-hole Support
Additional debugging output:${COL_NC}"
git status
......@@ -80,7 +78,6 @@ GitCheckUpdateAvail() {
FTLcheckUpdate() {
local FTLversion
FTLversion=$(/usr/bin/pihole-FTL tag)
local FTLlatesttag
......@@ -96,57 +93,59 @@ FTLcheckUpdate() {
main() {
local pihole_version_current
local web_version_current
#shellcheck disable=1090,2154
local basicError="\\n ${COL_LIGHT_RED}Unable to complete update, please contact Pi-hole Support${COL_NC}"
# shellcheck disable=1090,2154
source "${setupVars}"
#This is unlikely
# This is unlikely
if ! is_repo "${PI_HOLE_FILES_DIR}" ; then
echo "::: Critical Error: Core Pi-hole repo is missing from system!"
echo "::: Please re-run install script from https://github.com/pi-hole/pi-hole"
echo -e "\\n ${COL_LIGHT_RED}Error: Core Pi-hole repo is missing from system!
Please re-run install script from https://pi-hole.net${COL_NC}"
exit 1;
echo "::: Checking for updates..."
echo -e " ${INFO} Checking for updates..."
if GitCheckUpdateAvail "${PI_HOLE_FILES_DIR}" ; then
echo "::: Pi-hole Core: update available"
echo -e " ${INFO} Pi-hole Core:\\t${COL_YELLOW}update available${COL_NC}"
echo "::: Pi-hole Core: up to date"
echo -e " ${INFO} Pi-hole Core:\\t${COL_LIGHT_GREEN}up to date${COL_NC}"
if FTLcheckUpdate ; then
echo "::: FTL: update available"
echo -e " ${INFO} FTL:\\t\\t${COL_YELLOW}update available${COL_NC}"
echo "::: FTL: up to date"
echo -e " ${INFO} FTL:\\t\\t${COL_LIGHT_GREEN}up to date${COL_NC}"
# Logic: Don't update FTL when there is a core update available
# since the core update will run the installer which will itself
# re-install (i.e. update) FTL
if ${FTL_update} && ! ${core_update}; then
echo ":::"
echo "::: FTL out of date"
echo ""
echo -e " ${INFO} FTL out of date"
echo ":::"
echo ""
if [[ ${INSTALL_WEB} == true ]]; then
if [[ "${INSTALL_WEB}" == true ]]; then
if ! is_repo "${ADMIN_INTERFACE_DIR}" ; then
echo "::: Critical Error: Web Admin repo is missing from system!"
echo "::: Please re-run install script from https://github.com/pi-hole/pi-hole"
echo -e "\\n ${COL_LIGHT_RED}Error: Web Admin repo is missing from system!
Please re-run install script from https://pi-hole.net${COL_NC}"
exit 1;
if GitCheckUpdateAvail "${ADMIN_INTERFACE_DIR}" ; then
echo "::: Web Interface: update available"
echo -e " ${INFO} Web Interface:\\t${COL_YELLOW}update available${COL_NC}"
echo "::: Web Interface: up to date"
echo -e " ${INFO} Web Interface:\\t${COL_LIGHT_GREEN}up to date${COL_NC}"
# Logic
......@@ -161,72 +160,69 @@ main() {
if ! ${core_update} && ! ${web_update} ; then
if ! ${FTL_update} ; then
echo ":::"
echo "::: Everything is up to date!"
echo ""
echo -e " ${TICK} Everything is up to date!"
exit 0
elif ! ${core_update} && ${web_update} ; then
echo ":::"
echo "::: Pi-hole Web Admin files out of date"
echo ""
echo -e " ${INFO} Pi-hole Web Admin files out of date"
elif ${core_update} && ! ${web_update} ; then
echo ":::"
echo "::: Pi-hole core files out of date"
echo ""
echo -e " ${INFO} Pi-hole core files out of date"
${PI_HOLE_FILES_DIR}/automated\ install/basic-install.sh --reconfigure --unattended || echo "Unable to complete update, contact Pi-hole" && exit 1
${PI_HOLE_FILES_DIR}/automated\ install/basic-install.sh --reconfigure --unattended || \
echo -e "${basicError}" && exit 1
elif ${core_update} && ${web_update} ; then
echo ":::"
echo "::: Updating Pi-hole core and web admin files"
echo ""
echo -e " ${INFO} Updating Pi-hole core and web admin files"
${PI_HOLE_FILES_DIR}/automated\ install/basic-install.sh --unattended || echo "Unable to complete update, contact Pi-hole" && exit 1
${PI_HOLE_FILES_DIR}/automated\ install/basic-install.sh --unattended || \
echo -e "${basicError}" && exit 1
echo "*** Update script has malfunctioned, fallthrough reached. Please contact support"
echo -e " ${COL_LIGHT_RED}Update script has malfunctioned, please contact Pi-hole Support${COL_NC}"
exit 1
else # Web Admin not installed, so only verify if core is up to date
if ! ${core_update}; then
if ! ${FTL_update} ; then
echo ":::"
echo "::: Everything is up to date!"
echo ""
echo -e " ${INFO} Everything is up to date!"
exit 0
echo ":::"
echo "::: Pi-hole core files out of date"
echo ""
echo -e " ${INFO} Pi-hole Core files out of date"
${PI_HOLE_FILES_DIR}/automated\ install/basic-install.sh --reconfigure --unattended || echo "Unable to complete update, contact Pi-hole" && exit 1
${PI_HOLE_FILES_DIR}/automated\ install/basic-install.sh --reconfigure --unattended || \
echo -e "${basicError}" && exit 1
if [[ "${web_update}" == true ]]; then
web_version_current="$(/usr/local/bin/pihole version --admin --current)"
echo ":::"
echo "::: Web Admin version is now at ${web_version_current/* v/v}}"
echo "::: If you had made any changes in '/var/www/html/admin/', they have been stashed using 'git stash'"
echo ""
echo -e " ${INFO} Web Admin version is now at ${web_version_current/* v/v}
${INFO} If you had made any changes in '/var/www/html/admin/', they have been stashed using 'git stash'"
if [[ "${core_update}" == true ]]; then
pihole_version_current="$(/usr/local/bin/pihole version --pihole --current)"
echo ":::"
echo "::: Pi-hole version is now at ${pihole_version_current/* v/v}}"
echo "::: If you had made any changes in '/etc/.pihole/', they have been stashed using 'git stash'"
echo ""
echo -e " ${INFO} Pi-hole version is now at ${pihole_version_current/* v/v}
${INFO} If you had made any changes in '/etc/.pihole/', they have been stashed using 'git stash'"
if [[ ${FTL_update} == true ]]; then
FTL_version_current="$(/usr/local/bin/pihole version --ftl --current)"
echo ":::"
echo "::: FTL version is now at ${FTL_version_current/* v/v}}"
if [[ "${FTL_update}" == true ]]; then
FTL_version_current="$(/usr/bin/pihole-FTL tag)"
echo -e "\\n ${INFO} FTL version is now at ${FTL_version_current/* v/v}"
start_service pihole-FTL
enable_service pihole-FTL
echo ""
exit 0
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# Pi-hole: A black hole for Internet advertisements
# (c) 2017 Pi-hole, LLC (https://pi-hole.net)
# Network-wide ad blocking via your own hardware.
# Checks for updates via GitHub
# This file is copyright under the latest version of the EUPL.
# Please see LICENSE file for your rights under this license.
# Credit: https://stackoverflow.com/a/46324904
function json_extract() {
local key=$1
local json=$2
local string_regex='"([^"\]|\\.)*"'
local number_regex='-?(0|[1-9][0-9]*)(\.[0-9]+)?([eE][+-]?[0-9]+)?'
local value_regex="${string_regex}|${number_regex}|true|false|null"
local pair_regex="\"${key}\"[[:space:]]*:[[:space:]]*(${value_regex})"
if [[ ${json} =~ ${pair_regex} ]]; then
echo $(sed 's/^"\|"$//g' <<< "${BASH_REMATCH[1]}")
return 1
GITHUB_CORE_VERSION="$(json_extract tag_name "$(curl -q 'https://api.github.com/repos/pi-hole/pi-hole/releases/latest' 2> /dev/null)")"
GITHUB_WEB_VERSION="$(json_extract tag_name "$(curl -q 'https://api.github.com/repos/pi-hole/AdminLTE/releases/latest' 2> /dev/null)")"
GITHUB_FTL_VERSION="$(json_extract tag_name "$(curl -q 'https://api.github.com/repos/pi-hole/FTL/releases/latest' 2> /dev/null)")"
echo "${GITHUB_CORE_VERSION} ${GITHUB_WEB_VERSION} ${GITHUB_FTL_VERSION}" > "/etc/pihole/GitHubVersions"
function get_local_branch() {
# Return active branch
cd "${1}" 2> /dev/null || return 1
git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD || return 1
CORE_BRANCH="$(get_local_branch /etc/.pihole)"
WEB_BRANCH="$(get_local_branch /var/www/html/admin)"
#FTL_BRANCH="$(pihole-FTL branch)"
# Don't store FTL branch until the next release of FTL which
# supports returning the branch in an easy way
echo "${CORE_BRANCH} ${WEB_BRANCH} ${FTL_BRANCH}" > "/etc/pihole/localbranches"
function get_local_version() {
# Return active branch
cd "${1}" 2> /dev/null || return 1
git describe --long --dirty --tags || return 1
CORE_VERSION="$(get_local_version /etc/.pihole)"
WEB_VERSION="$(get_local_version /var/www/html/admin)"
FTL_VERSION="$(pihole-FTL version)"
echo "${CORE_VERSION} ${WEB_VERSION} ${FTL_VERSION}" > "/etc/pihole/localversions"
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# shellcheck disable=SC1090
# Pi-hole: A black hole for Internet advertisements
# (c) 2017 Pi-hole, LLC (https://pi-hole.net)
# Network-wide ad blocking via your own hardware.
......@@ -14,20 +16,26 @@ readonly dhcpconfig="/etc/dnsmasq.d/02-pihole-dhcp.conf"
# 03 -> wildcards
readonly dhcpstaticconfig="/etc/dnsmasq.d/04-pihole-static-dhcp.conf"
if [[ -f ${coltable} ]]; then
source ${coltable}
helpFunc() {
echo "Usage: pihole -a [options]
Example: pihole -a -p password
Set options for the Admin Console
-f, flush Flush the Pi-hole log
-p, password Set Admin Console password
-c, celsius Set Celsius as preferred temperature unit
-f, fahrenheit Set Fahrenheit as preferred temperature unit
-k, kelvin Set Kelvin as preferred temperature unit
-r, hostrecord Add a name to the DNS associated to an IPv4/IPv6 address
-e, email Set an administrative contact address for the Block Page
-h, --help Show this help dialog
-i, interface Specify dnsmasq's interface listening behavior
Add '-h' for more info on interface usage"
Add '-h' for more info on interface usage"
exit 0
......@@ -58,6 +66,7 @@ delete_dnsmasq_setting() {
SetTemperatureUnit() {
change_setting "TEMPERATUREUNIT" "${unit}"
echo -e " ${TICK} Set temperature unit to ${unit}"
HashPassword() {
......@@ -84,12 +93,15 @@ SetWebPassword() {
readonly PASSWORD="${args[2]}"
readonly CONFIRM="${PASSWORD}"
# Prevents a bug if the user presses Ctrl+C and it continues to hide the text typed.
# So we reset the terminal via stty if the user does press Ctrl+C
trap '{ echo -e "\nNo password will be set" ; stty sane ; exit 1; }' INT
read -s -p "Enter New Password (Blank for no password): " PASSWORD
echo ""
if [ "${PASSWORD}" == "" ]; then
change_setting "WEBPASSWORD" ""
echo "Password Removed"
echo -e " ${TICK} Password Removed"
exit 0
......@@ -98,12 +110,12 @@ SetWebPassword() {
if [ "${PASSWORD}" == "${CONFIRM}" ] ; then
hash=$(HashPassword ${PASSWORD})
hash=$(HashPassword "${PASSWORD}")
# Save hash to file
change_setting "WEBPASSWORD" "${hash}"
echo "New password set"
echo -e " ${TICK} New password set"
echo "Passwords don't match. Your password has not been changed"
echo -e " ${CROSS} Passwords don't match. Your password has not been changed"
exit 1
......@@ -208,16 +220,16 @@ SetExcludeClients() {
change_setting "API_EXCLUDE_CLIENTS" "${args[2]}"
nohup bash -c "sleep 5; poweroff" &> /dev/null </dev/null &
Reboot() {
nohup bash -c "sleep 5; reboot" &> /dev/null </dev/null &
RestartDNS() {
if [ -x "$(command -v systemctl)" ]; then
systemctl restart dnsmasq &> /dev/null
service dnsmasq restart &> /dev/null
/usr/local/bin/pihole restartdns
SetQueryLogOptions() {
......@@ -243,7 +255,12 @@ ProcessDHCPSettings() {
if [[ "${DHCP_LEASETIME}" == "0" ]]; then
elif [[ "${DHCP_LEASETIME}" == "" ]]; then
change_setting "DHCP_LEASETIME" "${leasetime}"
elif [[ "${DHCP_LEASETIME}" == "24h" ]]; then
#Installation is affected by known bug, introduced in a previous version.
#This will automatically clean up setupVars.conf and remove the unnecessary "h"
change_setting "DHCP_LEASETIME" "${leasetime}"
......@@ -275,7 +292,9 @@ ra-param=*,0,0
rm "${dhcpconfig}" &> /dev/null
if [[ -f "${dhcpconfig}" ]]; then
rm "${dhcpconfig}" &> /dev/null
......@@ -373,12 +392,23 @@ RemoveDHCPStaticAddress() {
SetHostRecord() {
if [ -n "${args[3]}" ]; then
if [[ "${1}" == "-h" ]] || [[ "${1}" == "--help" ]]; then
echo "Usage: pihole -a hostrecord <domain> [IPv4-address],[IPv6-address]
Example: 'pihole -a hostrecord home.domain.com,2001:db8:a0b:12f0::1'
Add a name to the DNS associated to an IPv4/IPv6 address
\"\" Empty: Remove host record
-h, --help Show this help dialog"
exit 0
if [[ -n "${args[3]}" ]]; then
change_setting "HOSTRECORD" "${args[2]},${args[3]}"
echo "Setting host record for ${args[2]} -> ${args[3]}"
echo -e " ${TICK} Setting host record for ${args[2]} to ${args[3]}"
change_setting "HOSTRECORD" ""
echo "Removing host record"
echo -e " ${TICK} Removing host record"
......@@ -387,9 +417,30 @@ SetHostRecord() {
SetAdminEmail() {
if [[ "${1}" == "-h" ]] || [[ "${1}" == "--help" ]]; then
echo "Usage: pihole -a email <address>
Example: 'pihole -a email admin@address.com'
Set an administrative contact address for the Block Page
\"\" Empty: Remove admin contact
-h, --help Show this help dialog"
exit 0
if [[ -n "${args[2]}" ]]; then
change_setting "ADMIN_EMAIL" "${args[2]}"
echo -e " ${TICK} Setting admin contact to ${args[2]}"
change_setting "ADMIN_EMAIL" ""
echo -e " ${TICK} Removing admin contact"
SetListeningMode() {
source "${setupVars}"
if [[ "$3" == "-h" ]] || [[ "$3" == "--help" ]]; then
echo "Usage: pihole -a -i [interface]
Example: 'pihole -a -i local'
......@@ -402,15 +453,15 @@ Interfaces:
all Listen on all interfaces, permit all origins"
exit 0
if [[ "${args[2]}" == "all" ]]; then
echo "Listening on all interfaces, permiting all origins, hope you have a firewall!"
echo -e " ${INFO} Listening on all interfaces, permiting all origins. Please use a firewall!"
change_setting "DNSMASQ_LISTENING" "all"
elif [[ "${args[2]}" == "local" ]]; then
echo "Listening on all interfaces, permitting only origins that are at most one hop away (local devices)"
echo -e " ${INFO} Listening on all interfaces, permiting origins from one hop away (LAN)"
change_setting "DNSMASQ_LISTENING" "local"
echo "Listening only on interface ${PIHOLE_INTERFACE}"
echo -e " ${INFO} Listening only on interface ${PIHOLE_INTERFACE}"
change_setting "DNSMASQ_LISTENING" "single"
......@@ -428,6 +479,11 @@ Teleporter() {
php /var/www/html/admin/scripts/pi-hole/php/teleporter.php > "pi-hole-teleporter_${datetimestamp}.zip"
echo "${args[2]}" >> /etc/pihole/auditlog.list
main() {
......@@ -439,6 +495,7 @@ main() {
"setdns" ) SetDNSServers;;
"setexcludedomains" ) SetExcludeDomains;;
"setexcludeclients" ) SetExcludeClients;;
"poweroff" ) Poweroff;;
"reboot" ) Reboot;;
"restartdns" ) RestartDNS;;
"setquerylog" ) SetQueryLogOptions;;
......@@ -450,10 +507,12 @@ main() {
"resolve" ) ResolutionSettings;;
"addstaticdhcp" ) AddDHCPStaticAddress;;
"removestaticdhcp" ) RemoveDHCPStaticAddress;;
"hostrecord" ) SetHostRecord;;
"-r" | "hostrecord" ) SetHostRecord "$3";;
"-e" | "email" ) SetAdminEmail "$3";;
"-i" | "interface" ) SetListeningMode "$@";;
"-t" | "teleporter" ) Teleporter;;
"adlist" ) CustomizeAdLists;;
"audit" ) audit;;
* ) helpFunc;;
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footer, pre, td { font-family: monospace; padding-left: 15px; }
/*body, header { background: #E1E1E1; }*/
/* Pi-hole: A black hole for Internet advertisements
* (c) 2017 Pi-hole, LLC (https://pi-hole.net)
* Network-wide ad blocking via your own hardware.
* This file is copyright under the latest version of the EUPL.
* Please see LICENSE file for your rights under this license. */
/* Text Customisation Options ======> */
.title:before { content: "Website Blocked"; }
.altBtn:before { content: "Why am I here?"; }
.linkPH:before { content: "About Pi-hole"; }
.linkEmail:before { content: "Contact Admin"; }
#bpOutput.add:before { content: "Info"; }
#bpOutput.add:after { content: "The domain is being whitelisted..."; }
#bpOutput.error:before, .unhandled:before { content: "Error"; }
#bpOutput.unhandled:after { content: "An unhandled exception occured. This may happen when your browser is unable to load jQuery, or when the webserver is denying access to the Pi-hole API."; }
#bpOutput.success:before { content: "Success"; }
#bpOutput.success:after { content: "Website has been whitelisted! You may need to flush your DNS cache"; }
.recentwl:before { content: "This site has been whitelisted. Please flush your DNS cache and/or restart your browser."; }
.unknown:before { content: "This website is not found in any of Pi-hole's blacklists. The reason you have arrived here is unknown."; }
.cname:before { content: "This site is an alias for "; } /* <a href="http://cname.com">cname.com</a> */
.cname:after { content: ", which may be blocked by Pi-hole."; }
.blacklist:before { content: "Manually Blacklisted"; }
.wildcard:before { content: "Manually Blacklisted by Wildcard"; }
.noblock:before { content: "Not found on any Blacklist"; }
#bpBlock:before { content: "Access to the following website has been denied:"; }
#bpFlag:before { content: "This is primarily due to being flagged as:"; }
#bpHelpTxt:before { content: "If you have an ongoing use for this website, please "; }
#bpHelpTxt a:before, #bpHelpTxt span:before { content: "ask the administrator"; }
#bpHelpTxt:after{ content: " of the Pi-hole on this network to have it whitelisted"; }
#bpBack:before { content: "Back to safety"; }
#bpInfo:before { content: "Technical Info"; }
#bpFoundIn:before { content: "This site is found in "; }
#bpFoundIn span:after { content: " of "; }
#bpFoundIn:after { content: " lists:"; }
#bpWhitelist:before { content: "Whitelist"; }
footer span:before { content: "Page generated on "; }
/* Hide whitelisting form entirely */
/* #bpWLButtons { display: none; } */
/* Text Customisation Options <=============================== */
/* http://necolas.github.io/normalize.css ======> */
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/* User is greeted with a splash page when browsing to Pi-hole IP address */
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a.warn { background-color: rgba(220,0,0,0.5); }
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/* Types of text */
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background: #ecf0f5;
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#bpOutput.error { background: #dd4b39; }
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font: bold 1.8rem Consolas, Courier, monospace;
padding: 5px 10px 10px 10px;
text-indent: 15px;
#bpHelpTxt { padding-bottom: 10px; }
.buttons {
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color: #FFF;
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/* Input border colour */
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#bpInfo { background-color: #3c8dbc; }
#bpWhitelist { background-color: #dd4b39; }
#blockpage .buttons [type=password][disabled] { color: rgba(0,0,0,1); }
#blockpage .buttons [disabled] { color: rgba(0,0,0,0.55); background-color: #e3e3e3; }
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input[type=password] { font-size: 1.5rem; }
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#bpMoreInfo { display: none; margin-top: 10px; }
#bpQueryOutput {
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#bpQueryOutput span { margin-right: 4px; }
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#bpWLDomain { display: none; }
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#bpWhitelist { color: #fff; }
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color: #444;
font: 1.2rem Consolas, Courier, monospace;
padding: 8px;
/* Responsive Content */
@media only screen and (max-width: 500px) {
h1 a { font-size: 1.8rem; min-width: 170px; }
footer span:before { content: "Generated "; }
footer span { display: block; }
@media only screen and (min-width: 1251px) {
#bpWrapper, footer { border-radius: 0 0 5px 5px; }
#bpAbout { border-right-width: 1px; }
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